We are a Catholic pro-life youth movement that promotes and defends the culture of LIFE, by leading young people to a life of purity and chastity.


For the Youth (13-35 years old)

A basic formation for youth is offered by the Live Pure Movement. Ideally, the sessions are given altogether, as the content builds on one another. However, in cases wherein this is not possible, the school, parish, or institution can choose either of the sessions since all of the sessions are stand-alone talks (approximately 1 hr to 1hr 30 mins per session).


Chastity Forum

The Chastity forum is the first stage of the Live Pure series as it is important to discuss human sexuality first before delving into the issues of today’s youth. As one understands his/her uniqueness as a man/woman, he/she would gain deeper knowledge and wisdom on how our sexuality works perfectly with God’s plan.

This forum would equip them with the right information about teen sexuality that focuses on being pure and chaste before God’s eyes. This is the aim of the said forum – to promote saved sex (sex according to God’s design and purpose) rather than safe sex. It is important to promote the direction of chastity and purity, while training young minds altogether on pertinent sex issues of today.

Men’s and Women’s Forum

A separate session for boys and girls which aims to guide the young how to be men and women after God’s own heart in a world bombarded with ideas on who they should aspire to be. It is important to discuss the issues separately, which are unique to being a man and a woman so that they can realize their sense of being a gift to each other.

Love Forum

This session aims to inform young men and women about the misconceptions on love as promoted by the world today; and that no matter what the media says, true love exists. It is important for young people to realize, that regardless of what they have been through in their life, they are always capable of giving and receiving authentic love.


The Live Pure for Kids focuses on the identity and worth of a person. Leading them to an appreciation of oneself and be able to see how God has wonderfully made them.

For You Recollection

An integrated course intended to lead participants into a renewed understanding of God’s call to them as Catholics. It comprises a total of 5 sessions. The recollection has several basic elements: prayers, songs, teachings, group discussions, and fellowship. This could be done in a whole-day or overnight set-up.


Parents Forum

This forum aims to make parents embrace their basic role as the first educators of their children. A lot of misconceptions about love and sex are learned from peers and it is significant to reinforce the positive influence the family has in inculcating the right values. The parents are challenged to end the silence and awkwardness of talking to their children about love, sex, and relationships. More so, the forum will help the parents understand the youth of today followed by a practical discussion on how to educate their children about love and sex through the virtue of chastity.

It is encouraged that an open forumbe facilitated by the Live Pure service team, where parents can freely share and discuss their difficulties, victories and best practices in rearing their children.

At the end of the session, all parents will be prayed over as the Holy Spirit empowers them to connect and educate their young.


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